Web3 and Apillon explained

Polkadot, a complete service stack for Web3 builders

Polkadot is a “blockchain of blockchains,” allowing many different types of chains to work and interact securely together within the same ecosystem. The network has already contributed great promise and significant progress by encouraging individual sovereignty over personal and business data. And more importantly, the integration of diverse parachains into a scalable and flexible network set a new standard for Web3 builders.

Evolution of blockchain applications

Bitcoin - the very first application of blockchain. Soon, the potential to create other decentralized applications grew big. Through the need for improved tools and technological basis, the next-gen blockchain upgrade sprouted in the form of the Ethereum network. A smart-contract-based technology made it possible to exchange value besides just the currency and gave way for developers to build and deploy dapps on top of Ethereum.

Ethereum - using the one-network-serves-all model resulted in limitations like flexibility, scalability, and sovereignty. While building dapps on Ethereum proved beneficial for many industry verticals and demonstrated innovations increase, the mass-scale adoption still fell behind because of the rigid network system and limited scalability of transactions.

Polkadot offers flexibility and more

The Polkadot network is becoming the forefront of a scalable Web3 universe-building and mass adoption of blockchain – by connecting different blockchains into one unified network. Unlike layer-1 blockchains, layer 0 of Polkadot allows for multiple layer-1 blockchains to be built on top of it. The Polkadot team even created a framework called Substrate, where developers can build blockchains that work independently from one another.

Polkadot’s layer 0, or the so-called relay chain, executes minimal basic actions in terms of network security and makes the communication between chains possible. The blockchains as parachains design their own governance structures, fine-tune their functionalities, and (usually) serve a specific use case purpose.

It’s a win-win situation:

Parachains have more flexibility in building the architecture and therefore contribute better, more specialized services with improved efficiency. Polkadot as an ecosystem offers higher scalability by processing transactions on different chains in parallel and gives way for more innovation due to more specialized parachains.

Room for improvement

Polkadot is currently the leading, highest value, and most secure proof-of-stake platform. Nevertheless, every technology’s success can benefit from a reliable support system that can enhance its adoption and bring it to the masses. Each innovation is only as strong as its community of users.

Web3 developers still face considerable challenges when building on Web3. Polkadot offers an excellent foundation, but there’s still enormous amounts of time that need to be invested in the research and development by the builders.

By making Web3 easier to build on, the Apillon platform will assist in the adoption of use-case-specific Polkadot parachains and bring the utility of Web3 to enterprises and end-users that would benefit from (at least partially) blockchain-based processes.


The world of Web3


Web3 is a next-generation, decentralized, and democratic version of the web where the way users control and exchange their data is redefined to empower them to partake in the building of the web, take ownership of their data and identity, as well as co-govern the processes. Web3 is built upon an infrastructure that incorporates blockchain technology and decentralized means of data and asset exchange.

smart contracts

Smart contracts are digital automatic agreements that are stored on a blockchain. Secure and trustless programs that execute functions when pre-determined terms and conditions are met, smart contracts deliver transparency, accuracy, and efficiency. At a basic level, smart contracts follow "if/when… then" statements that are written into code.

decentralized network

In a decentralized network, there is no single central authority that controls all data and governs the processes of data and asset exchange. Instead, a decentralized network is controlled by the pre-determined logic that’s written into code on the blockchain. As the code is stored on a decentralized network of nodes around the globe, this delivers an infrastructure that enables peer-to-peer data and asset exchange, which can allow users to regain control over their data and identity.


Nodes create, receive, and communicate information that they then store or relay to other nodes. The definition of a node is directly tied to the type of network it participates in – in a blockchain network, blockchain nodes are devices, usually computers, that run the blockchain’s software to validate and broadcast transactions as well as secure the network. Blockchain nodes communicate with each other, and the more nodes there are, the more decentralized the blockchain network is.

decentralized application

A decentralized application (dapp) is built upon a decentralized system for executing its operations. Its backend code runs on a decentralized network, usually a blockchain, instead of a centralized server. This means the operations are inherently immutable, irreversible, and sealed on the decentralized network. The app’s data and files, for example, can be hosted and stored on a decentralized network of nodes – once deployed, the files can’t be taken down or tampered with.


The word ‘trustless’ describes the online exchange of data and assets in Web3 that puts trust into the logic of the code in the backend instead of a single central authority. The core infrastructure of Web3 is controlled by the code in the backend, which eliminates the need to trust third-party service providers or big tech to manage the exchange of data and assets between the users.

(un)stoppable digital projects

Contrary to files, websites, or apps that are stored and hosted on central servers with a single point of access and failure, decentralized or Web3-based assets, websites, or apps can be stored and hosted on a global decentralized network of nodes. This defies single censorship, tampering, or single-point attacks, making them unstoppable.

Parity Technologies

Parity Technologiesopen in new window is a leading blockchain infrastructure company. Founded by Gavin Woodopen in new window, Parity Technologies has been building the foundation of Web3 by designing Polkadot and the Substrate blockchain development framework.

Polkadot Network

Polkadot Network

Polkadot Networkopen in new window is one of the key actors in Web3. As a sharded blockchain, Polkadot Network enables blockchains with different use cases to securely connect into a unified network and operate seamlessly together at scale. This enables apps and services that are built on Polkadot to securely communicate and form the basis for an interoperable decentralized web.

heterogenous sharding of Polkadot

Polkadot is a sharded blockchain. Connecting several blockchains into a unified network, the Polkadot Network allows the separate chains to securely process transactions and exchange data at the same time. Each chain can be optimized for a specific use case while still being able to communicate with the other chains in the network. This unique model is called Polkadot’s heterogeneous sharding model.

relay chain

The relay chain is Polkadot’s main chain that executes minimal basic actions to ensure network security. It also enables communications between (para)chains.


Parachains are different Polkadot blockchains that connect to the main relay chain. With their own governance structures and different functionalities, parachains serve a specific use case, yet they are able to communicate with each other. The ability of Polkadot’s ecosystem to process transactions on different chains in parallel delivers high scalability.

Web3 Foundation

Founded by Gavin Woodopen in new window, Web3 Foundationopen in new window offers support and funds research for technologies and applications in the area of decentralized web software protocols.


Substrateopen in new window is an open-source and future-proof blockchain framework developed by Parity Technologies. It helps developers build blockchains that can work independently from one another while connecting to the main relay chain. Substrate was designed to power the Polkadot Network and a multi-chain, decentralized web.

Phala Network

Phala Networkopen in new window is a Polkadot parachain that provides decentralized computing power and back-end hosting for complex applications while protecting confidentiality and data privacy.

Crust Network

Crust Networkopen in new window is a multi-purpose Polkadot parachain that delivers decentralized storage for massive amounts of data while prioritizing data privacy and user data ownership.

KILT Protocol

KILT Protocolopen in new window is a blockchain protocol and Polkadot parachain that provides decentralized digital authentication with self-sovereign, verifiable, revocable, and anonymous credentials.

The Apillon platform

Web3 project

Web3 project is a website, program, or app that’s built using decentralized technologies. Even standard Web2 projects can be upgraded to the Web3-level by making small changes and incorporating blockchain technology. The Apillon platform makes building Web3 projects simpler and faster.

Web3 services

Web3 services are features that are powered by blockchain technology instead of a centralized service provider. The Apillon platform delivers essential Web3 services for building websites, applications, and projects through simple API calls.

Web3 Authentication

Web3 Authentication is a Web3 service that enables decentralized verification of unique sets of data, identities, and assets. The Apillon platform offers Web3 authentication services powered by KILT Protocol, which delivers secure identity solutions and credentials for enterprises and consumers.

Web3 Storage

Web3 Storage is a Web3 service that connects to a decentralized network of computer nodes to store the files of a website or app, increasing accessibility and eliminating a single point of access. As the files get stored on a decentralized network of nodes, they become unstoppable. The Apillon platform delivers Web3 Storage service powered by Crust Network.

Web3 Hosting

Web3 Hosting is a Web3 service that connects to a decentralized network of computer nodes to host a website or app, increasing its accessibility and eliminating a single point of access. As the website or app gets hosted on a decentralized network of nodes, it becomes unstoppable. The Apillon platform delivers Web3 Hosting service powered by Crust Network.

Web3 Computing

Web3 Computing is a Web3 service that offers decentralized cloud computing power by connecting to a peer-to-peer network of computer nodes. This provides privacy, security, and data confidentiality. The Apillon platform delivers Web3 Computing service, powered by Phala Network.

Unified service pricing

Unified service pricing is a reliable business model that enables the user to predict the cost of services and pay for multiple services in a single transaction. The Apillon platform delivers various Web3 services at stable monthly pricing with DOT and fiat that allows users to devote more time to developing new products as they don’t have to deal with the typically unstable pricing of Web3 services. Read more >open in new window

freemium model

A freemium business model offers basic services free of charge, while a premium is charged for the more advanced services and features. Currently, all features available on the Apillon platform are free of charge. In the later stages, the basic Web3 services will remain free, while the more advanced features will be available through unified stable pricing.

token staking

Certain tokens can be staked by locking them up for a period of time for various reasons, e.g. to support the operation of a Web3 project or network, in exchange for a reward, typically an interest on the staked amount.

Apillon Platform Closed Beta

Launched on January 26, 2023, the first invitation-only release of the Apillon platform provides Web3 Hosting and Storage services. The main purpose of the Apillon Closed Beta is to test and uncover potential bugs. Read more >open in new window

Apillon Referral program

Apillon launched a referral program that will reward existing users for bringing more attention to the Apillon platform among their communities and peers, thus facilitating broad Web3 adoption.

Apillon Lightpaper

Apillon Lightpaperopen in new window states the challenges developers face when building Web3 projects and how the Apillon platform can help solve them.

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