Apillon API


The list of endpoints where API is available:

TestingComing soon...

API to Web3

Apillon API is a set of RESTful API endpoints allowing developers to integrate Apillon modules into their Web3 applications.

Unless clearly marked as public, all routes are private and require an API key.


The server speaks JSONopen in new window. It is recommended that every call to the server includes a Content-Type header set to application/json;.

Authentication and authorization

API routes restrict public access and require authentication.

Requests must include a basic authopen in new window HTTP header field in the form of Authorization: Basic <credentials>, where credentials represent the Base64 encoding of API key and API key secret joined by a single colon :.

API keys could be generated on the developer dashboardopen in new window under Project settings.

Authentication errors

Every request goes through authentication middleware, where the following errors can occur:

400Missing Authorization headerRequest is missing authorization header.
400Malformed Authorization headerAuthorization header field has an invalid form.
401Invalid API key or API key secretAuthorization header is valid, but credentials in it are not.

Authorization errors

Each endpoint requires a certain role or permission from the API key.

There are three types of permissions that could be assigned to an API key:

50KEY_EXECUTEPermission to execute certain actions
51KEY_WRITEPermission to create, modify or delete records
52KEY_READPermission to read record

These permissions could be assigned to an API key for every attached service (e.g., Web3 Storage (Crust), Web3 Authentication (KILT), etc.).

If a request is made with an API key that lacks permission for a called endpoint, the following errors can occur:

403Insufficient permissions - missing permission name permissionAPI key lacks required permission for called service.
403Insufficient permissions to access this recordAPI key has required permissions for endpoint, but it does not have the right to access the addressed record (i.e., a record belongs to a different project).

Listing requests

Endpoints starting with "List" are intended to list different data, where the response contains the below properties.

itemsRecords on a specified page that match the current query
totalNumber of all records that match the query
limitNumber of items on a page (default: 20).
pageCurrent page

Listing endpoints by default supports the query parameters below:

searchSearch the items usually by name or some other property specifying this item.false
pageItems are paginated by default. This parameter is used to get items from a specific page.false
limitNumber of items on a page (default: 20).false
orderByOne or multiple properties, separated by a comma, used to order data.false
descBoolean values, mapped to the index of the orderBy parameter. Defaults to false.false
statusInteger values, to filter by the entity's status (each entity has corresponding status codes)false


Every response has a unique ID, which helps identify potential issues. It also includes a status code that can help identify the cause of a potential problem.

Query requests through the GET method can return status codes 200, 400, 401, 403, or 500. Mutations through POST, PUT, and DELETE can also return codes 201 and 422. Invalid routes return status code 404.

A successful request includes a data key, which holds a valid response object.

  "id": ...,
  "status": ...,
  "data": { ... },

List of responses:

  • 200: Success
  • 201: Creation successful
  • 400: Bad request
  • 401: Unauthenticated access
  • 402: Payment required
  • 403: Unauthorized access
  • 404: Path not found
  • 422: Data validation failed
  • 500: System error

Error handling

A request fails if response code is not 200 or 201. The Apillon API returns two types of errors.

Code exception

Errors include a unique code number, a property that caused the error, and an error message. The code number helps identify potential issues and points to their exact position in the system.

Fields in code exception:

idUnique ID of request
codeApillon API internal error code pointing to the exact position in the system
messageMessage describing the error
pathEndpoint that threw the error
timestampDate when the error occurred
  "id": "c46821e7-a6c3-4377-bc32-0001e348ceb4",
  "code": 40406005,
  "message": "FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST",
  "path": "/storage/cee9f151-a371-495b-acd2-4362fbb87780/file/xxx/detail",
  "timestamp": "2022-12-29T11:54:47.555Z"

Validation exception

Unprocessable entity 422 Error status includes an errors key containing a list of error objects.

This error typically occurs when the request body is not valid (i.e., it is invalid or missing keys).

Errors include a unique code number, a property that caused the error, and an error message. The code number helps identify potential issues and points to their exact position in the system.

  "errors": [
        "code": 42200008,
        "property": "fileName",
        "message": "FILE_NAME_NOT_PRESENT"

Fields in validation exception:

idUnique ID of request
modelApillon API model used to validate request payload
errorsArray of errors
pathEndpoint that threw the error
timestampDate when the error occurred

Common errors

Through the whole Apillon API, the same errors can occur. The reason behind it can be current subscription package limits or current credit balance.

Not enough storage space

One of the limits based on the project subscription package is available storage space (on the IPFS node). If a project reaches the storage space limit, the following error will occur.

    "code": 40006003,
    "message": "NOT_ENOUGH_STORAGE_SPACE",

Credit balance too low

Some nonrecurrent actions require payment with credits. If a project's credit balance is lower than price of executed action, API will return status 402 and the following response.

    "code": 40210000,
    "message": "CREDIT_BALANCE_TOO_LOW",


Api key is created inside a project and can be used to get project details through Apillon API.

Credit balance

API to get project credit balance

GET /project/credit

Response fields

balancenumberCurrent credit balance - amount of credits in project, that can be used to perform different actions

curl --location --request GET "https://api.apillon.io/project/credit" \
--header "Authorization: Basic :credentials"
  "id": "ec700ddd-4a0d-4d6d-b3ba-64b7ab031c4b",
  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "balance": 120

API Code Examples

Examples for using the Apillon API in PHP, .NET (C#) and Python can be found on our code examples github repoopen in new window