Computing API

The Computing Contracts API provides functionality for managing computing contracts, including creation, listing, encryption, ownership transfer, and assigning content identifiers (CIDs) to NFTs.

Create Computing Contract

Create a new computing contract with specified details.

POST /computing/contracts

Body fields

contractTypenumberType of the computing contract. Available options: 1 = SCHRODINGERYes
namestringName of the computing contractYes
descriptionstringDescription of the computing contractNo
bucket_uuidstringUUID of the bucket for storing encrypted files from the computing contract. If this is not provided, a new bucket will be createdNo

Data specific for Schrodinger's NFT contract type

contractData.nftContractAddressstringContract address of the NFT collection whose tokens will be used for file decryptionNo
contractData.nftChainRpcUrlstringRPC URL of the blockchain the NFT contract resides onYes
contractData.restrictToOwnerbooleanIf true, only the owner can encrypt files via the contract (Default: true)Yes

Possible Errors

40412003Bucket from given bucket_uuid param not found
42200202Contract type not present
42200203Contract type not valid
42200204Contract name not present
42200205Contract name not valid (length in range 1-255)
42200206Contract description not valid (length in range 1-1000)
42200210Computing field not present
42200211Computing contract data not valid
50012003Error deploying contract


A response is an instance of the newly created contract.

curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic :credentials" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw "{
  \"name\": \"My Computing Contract\",
  \"description\": \"This contract is used for encrypting files associated with NFTs.\",
  \"bucket_uuid\": \"def456...\",
  \"contractType\": 1,
  \"contractData\": {
    \"nftContractAddress\": \"0x123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789\",
    \"nftChainRpcUrl\": \"\",
    \"restrictToOwner\": false
  "id": "0ac0bb74-5d78-4116-9e4f-1c3e8e92f032",
  "status": 201,
  "data": {
    "createTime": "2024-02-20T13:59:06.290Z",
    "updateTime": "2024-02-20T13:59:06.289Z",
    "contractUuid": "defa1296-99f4-40de-8470-a2e8497e15ad",
    "bucketUuid": "bf5940dc-673e-46bf-9207-e280c00d4f6b",
    "name": "My Computing Contract",
    "description": "This contract is used for encrypting files associated with NFTs.",
    "contractType": 1,
    "contractStatus": 1,
    "contractAddress": null,
    "deployerAddress": "44h63RRAv5PPjFJVp11uSa6v...",
    "transactionHash": null,
    "data": {
      "nftContractAddress": "0xB601A99a1D1...",
      "nftChainRpcUrl": "",
      "restrictToOwner": false,
      "ipfsGatewayUrl": "",
      "clusterId": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001"

List Computing Contracts

List all computing contracts with optional filters.

GET /computing/contracts

Query Parameters

All query parameters from listing request, plus:

contractStatusnumber0 (created), 1 (deploy initiated), 2 (deploying), 3 (deployed), 4 (transferring), 5 (transferred), 6 (failed)No


A list of computing contracts that match the query parameters. Each entry in the list contains details about the contract.

curl --location --request GET "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic :credentials"
  "id": "14cf1522-bfa2-4190-972a-918992102ec2",
  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "items": [
        "createTime": "2024-02-20T13:58:45.000Z",
        "updateTime": "2024-02-20T14:01:07.000Z",
        "contractUuid": "defa1296-99f4-40de-8470-a2e8497e15ad",
        "projectUuid": "4e913623-247b-4000-b650-8272430a3970",
        "bucketUuid": "bf5940dc-673e-46bf-9207-e280c00d4f6b",
        "name": "My Computing Contract",
        "description": "This contract is used for encrypting files associated with NFTs.",
        "contractType": 1,
        "contractStatus": 3,
        "contractAbiId": 1,
        "contractAddress": "0xbdec1edc9b45a3...",
        "deployerAddress": "44h63RRAv5PPjFJVp11uSa6v...",
    "total": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "limit": 20

Get Computing Contract

Retrieve details of a specific computing contract by UUID.

GET /computing/contracts/:uuid

URL Parameters

uuidstringThe UUID of the computing contractYes

Response fields (Computing Contract)

Based on your request to generate a table for the response fields that matches the structure seen in the bucket API documentation, here is how you can format the response fields for the "Get Computing Contract" section:

contractUuidstringThe unique identifier of the computing contract.
bucketUuidstringThe UUID of the bucket associated with this computing contract, where encrypted files are stored.
namestringThe name of the computing contract.
descriptionstringA description of what the computing contract is used for.
contractTypenumberThe type of computing contract. For example, 1 could represent SCHRODINGER.
contractStatusnumberThe current status of the computing contract. Possible values: 0 (created), 1 (deploy initiated), 2 (deploying), 3 (deployed), 4 (transferring), 5 (transferred), 6 (failed)
contractAddressstringThe blockchain address of the computing contract. This can be null if not yet deployed.
deployerAddressstringThe address of the entity that deployed the computing contract.
transactionHashstringThe transaction hash of the contract deployment. This can be null if not yet deployed.
dataobjectAn object containing additional data related to the computing contract.
data.nftContractAddressstringThe contract address of the NFT collection used for file decryption.
data.nftChainRpcUrlstringThe RPC URL of the blockchain where the NFT contract resides.
data.restrictToOwnerbooleanIndicates if only the owner can encrypt and decrypt files via the contract.
data.ipfsGatewayUrlstringThe URL of the IPFS gateway used by the computing contract.
data.clusterIdstringAn identifier for the cluster used by the computing contract.

curl --location --request GET "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic :credentials"
  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "createTime": "2024-02-20T13:58:45.000Z",
    "updateTime": "2024-02-20T14:01:07.000Z",
    "contractUuid": "defa1296-99f4-40de-8470-a2e8497e15ad",
    "bucketUuid": "bf5940dc-673e-46bf-9207-e280c00d4f6b",
    "name": "My Computing Contract",
    "description": "This contract is used for encrypting files associated with NFTs.",
    "contractType": 1,
    "contractStatus": 3,
    "contractAddress": "0xbdec1edc9b45a31e1ebd38b1d1e464bbbddeb4fcd2687a39928029306039e48a",
    "deployerAddress": "44h63RRAv5PPjFJVp11uSa6v52wRLmW7S5fiMWAyp3tNLh82",
    "transactionHash": "0x4ea088f466eb08dc27d9d079cba1c5a35aeb1b5ff342b73bd456b9625dcd7093",
    "data": {
      "clusterId": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001",
      "ipfsGatewayUrl": "",
      "nftChainRpcUrl": "",
      "restrictToOwner": false,
      "nftContractAddress": "0xB601A99a1D1804c13780F9e53d661d8bEe6D3bF0"

List Contract Transactions

List transactions for a specific computing contract.

GET /computing/contracts/:uuid/transactions

URL Parameters

uuidstringThe UUID of the computing contractYes

Query Parameters

All query parameters from listing request, plus:

transactionTypenumberThe type of transaction. Possible values: 1 (deploy contract), 2 (transfer contract ownership), 3 (deposit to contract cluster), 4 (assign cid to nft)
transactionStatusnumberThe current status of the transaction. Possible values: 1 (pending), 2 (confirmed), 3 (failed), 4 (error), 5 (worker success), 6 (worker failed)

Response fields

statusnumberThe status code of the transaction.
walletAddressstringThe wallet address which initated the transaction.
transactionTypenumberThe type of transaction. Possible values: 1 (deploy contract), 2 (transfer contract ownership), 3 (deposit to contract cluster), 4 (assign cid to nft)
transactionStatusnumberThe current status of the transaction. Possible values: 1 (pending), 2 (confirmed), 3 (failed), 4 (error), 5 (worker success), 6 (worker failed)
transactionStatusMessagestringA message providing more details about the transaction status.
transactionHashstringThe hash of the transaction on the blockchain.

curl --location --request GET "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic :credentials"
  "id": "c761c325-ba82-4861-9a13-866623881b59",
  "status": 200,
  "data": {
    "items": [
        "id": 11,
        "status": 5,
        "walletAddress": "44h63RRA....",
        "contractId": 4,
        "transactionType": 1,
        "transactionStatus": 5,
        "transactionStatusMessage": "instantiated",
        "transactionHash": "0x4ea088..."
    "total": 1,
    "page": 1,
    "limit": 20

Transfer Ownership

Transfer ownership of a computing contract to another address.

POST /computing/contracts/:uuid/transfer-ownership

URL Parameters

uuidstringThe UUID of the computing contractYes

Body fields

accountAddressstringWallet address of the new ownerYes

Possible Errors

40012003Invalid address to transfer to
40012004Transaction for transfer already exists
50012004Transfer contract server error
50012009Contract not in status 3 (Deployed)
50012010Contract transferring or already transferred


Success status

curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic :credentials" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw "{\"accountAddress\": \"0x456...\"}"
    "status": 200,
    "message": "Ownership transferred successfully",
     "data": {
        "success": true

Encrypt Content

Encrypt content with the private key which is securely stored on the Schrodinger contract.

POST /computing/contracts/:uuid/encrypt

URL Parameters

uuidstringThe UUID of the computing contractYes

Body fields

contentstringContent to be encrypted. If the content is an image, the format needs to be base64.Yes

Possible errors

50012009Contract not in status 3 (Deployed)
50012011Encrypt content server error


The encrypted content, which has been encrypted via the encryption key stored on the schrodinger contract

curl --location --request POST "

f4-40de-8470-a2e8497e15ad/encrypt" \
--header "Authorization: Basic :credentials" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw "{\"content\": \"Hello World\"}"
    "id": "10924c6e-7ad9-449f-bcef-6cbcbdbfcf32",
    "status": 201,
    "data": {
        "encryptedContent": "ebc36a408a68d97150aa6e42e3496a109dc5773c7f5d"

Assign CID to NFT

Assign a content identifier (CID) to an NFT within a computing contract. The given token ID represents the NFT which will be used to decrypt the content which is stored as the given CID on IPFS.

POST /computing/contracts/:uuid/assign-cid-to-nft

URL Parameters

uuidstringThe UUID of the computing contractYes

Body fields

cidstringCID of the file where the encrypted content is storedYes
nftIdnumberToken ID of the NFT which will be used for decryptionYes

Possible errors

50012009Contract not in status 3 (Deployed)
50012012Assign CID to NFT server error


Success status

curl --location --request POST "" \
--header "Authorization: Basic :credentials" \
--header "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-raw "{\"cid\": \"QmTzY...\", \"nftId\": 22}"
    "id": "da911d30-bfca-479c-9fb5-3ffa338ddf88",
    "status": 201,
    "data": {
        "success": true